Not all homeowners realize the differences between using a ‘captive’ insurance agent who only works for one specific company and an independent insurance agent who can look for the best deal from a variety of insurance companies. This article examines the benefits of independent insurance agents in more detail. Quotes From a Variety of Insurance …Read More
Happy Holidays to All
The nights are getting longer, but thanks to warm homes, an abundance of healthy food, and the company of our friends and family, the winter days seem especially bright. While it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, the holiday season is a time to remember what’s really important. …Read More
Are You Receiving the Best Deal?
It might seem to be a strange question coming from your insurance agent, but it is a fair one. Multi-Policy Discounts What we are referring to is taking advantage of standard discounts such as a multi-policy discount. A multi-policy discount is a discount given to policy-holders that have more than one policy with the same …Read More
Identity Theft Insurance – Do You Need It?
Identity theft is a growing issue in the United States. According to the credit reporting agency Equifax, more than 143 million Americans have experienced some type of identity theft. This includes the loss of personal and private information such as banking information, Social Security numbers, state-issued driver’s license information, and other forms of identity used …Read More