Have you noticed that the price you pay for your insurance has been going up? It’s not just you; many people are experiencing the same thing. Insurance premiums (a fancy term for the amount you pay for your insurance) are increasing. But why is this happening? And what can you do to save some of …Read More
Understanding Ordinance or Law Coverage
Ordinance or law coverage is a crucial aspect of insurance that individuals should consider to safeguard themselves from unexpected expenses related to building codes, regulations, and ordinances. In this article, we will explore the importance of ordinance or law coverage and its significance in protecting individuals. Understanding Ordinance or Law Coverage Ordinance or law coverage, …Read More
Fire Safety During the Holidays
The time for the annual winter holidays is on our doorstep. With that comes a lot of good cheer, celebrations, and spending quality time with your loved ones. Unfortunately, according to the National Fire Protection Association, this time of the year also increases the risk of residential fires, injuries, and even deaths. Let’s take a …Read More
Special Limits of Coverage
Most of us are aware of the fact that there are limits to the amount an insurance policy covers for different types of property. A well-known example is jewelry coverage. Some of these limits appear in the ‘personal property limit’ section of your policy. There are, however, other limits known as ‘special limits of liability …Read More
Home Insurance Options
Unexpected damage to roofs, windows, and sidings from wind, hail, and natural disasters can be costly and stressful. So, it is essential to insure these items of your home properly. To help with that task, we have identified a few details that homeowners should be aware of when buying home insurance. Actual Cash Value vs. …Read More